Eidolon - Jordan L. Hawk
One of the things about reading a book narrated in the first person is getting just one side of a story, or getting a version of all sides of the story but from the limited perspective of that narrator’s perceptions, ideas, beliefs. In the case of Percival Whyborne, we’ve seen his adventures unfold through the eyes of a man who is a bit socially awkward, is entirely too courageous, and is deeply in love with Griffin Flaherty but is—or was, until the most recent events in Stormhaven—unsure of how that love was going to thrive, let alone survive, in a world that doesn’t accept it.

See the entire review at The Novel Approach: http://thenovelapproachreviews.com/2014/02/11/eidolon-in-which-valentines-day-just-got-a-little-more-creepy/